Illinois Horse and Pony Breeders and Exhibitors Association

Since 1943

The object of this association is the breeding and showing of Light Horses and Ponies in the state of Illinois, promote the Land of Lincoln Purebred Livestock Breeders Association and to bring members into relations of mutual helpfulness.

Rules for the Point System

  1. To show for High Point and Reserve Awards at Qualified Member Shows, the owner and exhibitor must each have a membership.

  2. Single Membership - $25.00. Only one can accumulate points for awards. One vote in IHPBEA and Land of Lincoln Association.

  3. Family membership - $35.00. Members of the immediate family living as one household are eligible to show for points. Two votes permitted in IHPBEA and Land of Lincoln Association.

  4. Membership is not restricted to the state of Illinois.

  5. A member may show as many horses as he or she wishes without further payment of fees in this organization.

  6. A member may inquire as to his/her points in relationship to the competitor’s points at any time.

7. The owner, exhibitor and horse must be entered at each Member Show under the same names.

8. A horse may accumulate points for the season under more than one owner if both the previous and new owners are members of IHPBEA.

9. Shows outside the State of Illinois will be accepted.

10. Full Points are awarded in all approved classes regardless of the number of entries shown.

11. Class AA - $150 - Points Awarded: 40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 (Illinois State Fair; Midwest Charity)

12. Class A - $70 - Points Awarded: 20-16-12-8-4-1 (must be a two day or more show with adequate stabling facilities and have at least 15 of the required classes).

13. Class B - $40 - Points Awarded: 10-8-6-4-2-1 (must have at least 10 required classes).

14. Rules are subject to change from year to year by Officers and Board of Directors.

15. IHPBEA Directors and Officers reserve the right to decide all questions that arise and their decisions will be final.

16. A membership can be withdrawn by the Board of Directors from anyone who does not conduct himself/herself in a good sportsmanlike manner.

17. A leased horse/pony may qualify for points providing the owner, the leasee, and the exhibitor are all members.

18. A member show must be open to all members of IHPBEA.

19. Year-end awards will be tabulated from all classes within each show division. This includes Land of Lincoln, UPHA, and breed futurities.

Point Classes

  1. ASB Five Gaited

  2. ASB Three Gaited

  3. ASB Park Horse - Saddle and Harness

  4. ASB Fine Harness

  5. ASB Park Pleasure

  6. ASB Show Pleasure

  7. ASB Country Pleasure

  8. ASB Western Pleasure

  9. ASB Hunt Pleasure

  10. ASB Five Gaited Pleasure - Show and Country

  11. ASB Show Pleasure Driving

  12. ASB Country Pleasure Driving

  13. ASB Halter

  14. Roadster Horse - Bike/Wagon/Saddle

  15. ASB Saddleseat Equitation/Pleasure Equitation

  16. Hackney Roadster Pony

  17. Hackney Pony

  18. Hackney Harness Pony

  19. Hackney Pony Pleasure Driving

  20. Shetland Harness Pony

  21. Shetland Roadster Pony

  22. Shetland Pony Pleasure Driving

  23. Welsh Fine Harness Pony

  24. Welsh Roaster Pony

  25. Welsh Pleasure Driving Pony

  26. Halter Pony

27. TWH Country Pleasure - E/W 2&3 Gaited

28. TWH Trail Pleasure E/W - 2&3 Gaited

29. TWH Park Lite Shod E/W - 2&3 Gaited

30. TWH Plantation Pleasure E/W - 2&3 Gaited

31. TWH Halter

32. Morgan Park - Saddle and Harness

33. Morgan English Pleasure

34. Morgan Western Pleasure

35. Morgan Hunter Pleasure

36. Morgan Pleasure Driving

37. Morgan Halter

38. Arabian, 1/2 Arabian English Pleasure

39. Arabian, 1/2 Arabian Hunter Pleasure

40. Arabian, 1/2 Arabian English Country Pleasure

41. Arabian, 1/2 Arabian Mounted Native Costume

42. Arabian, 1/2 Arabian Western Pleasure

43. Arabian, 1/2 Arabian Show Hack

44. Arabian, 1/2 Arabian Halter

45. ADHH Roadster - Bike/Wagon/Saddle

46. ADHH Harness - Harness/Pleasure

47. Open English Pleasure, any breed

48. Open Pleasure Driving, any breed

49. Open Halter, any breed

50. Open Western Pleasure, any breed

51. Open Hunter Pleasure, any breed

52. Open Carriage Driving

53. Open Academy

54. Lead Line

Qualifying Shows

Mid-America Spring Fling

Roscoe, IL


IASPHA Spring Show

Woodstock, IL


Great River Benefit

Cedar Rapids, IA


Prairie State Classic

Woodstock, IL


Mid-West Charity Horse Show

IL State Fairgrounds, Springfield, IL



Rantoul, IL


Mid-America Signature Show

Roscoe, IL


IASPHA Summer Show

Woodstock, IL


Illinois State Fair Session I

Springfield, IL


Illinois State Fair Session II

Springfield, IL


Wisconsin Futurity Horse Festival

Madison, WI


Youth Charity Horse Show

Springfield, IL


Mid-America Mane Event

Springfield, IL


IASPHA Fall Show

Woodstock, IL


Heart of Fun Shows